IBA Madrid : Exploring Direct Recovery Measures: Empowering Private Sectors in Asset Recovery Efforts

10 December 2024
Thank you for inviting me to take part of this prestigious panel, and giving me the opportunity to suggest a way of improving direct recovery of misappropriated funds and properties:
let’s allow the private sector to step in (for instance through an « oblique action ») and use the proceeds to reduce Sovereigns debt

SESSION TEN: Experiences of Direct Assert Recovery via Article 53 of the UN Convention Against Corruption
6 December 2024 | 12:55 – 13:45
2nd Annual IBA Asset Recovery Conference, Madrid

How are State Parties’ corruption claims being treated by other State Parties’ courts worldwide? Has progress stalled?

This panel will discuss asset recovery flops and triumphs. Is Article 53 of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
being implemented in a sensible way worldwide? Is it still impossible for many jurisdictions to litigate their losses? This panel
will address, in-depth, the issues and challenges related to civil remedies that are available to address corruption. Panelists will discuss all of the asset recovery tools including seeking compensation for damages suffered, ways of establishing ownership and acting as partie civile.

Emile van der Does de Willebois, Coordinator, UNODC StAR Initiative, World Bank Group, Washington, DC; Special Projects Officer, IBA Asset Recovery Committee

Lucia Coerman, Church Chambers, London
Boni Soares, Federal Prosecutor for International Affairs, Brasilia
Stephon Grey, Baker & Partners, George Town
Michael Schlesinger, Archipel, Paris
Oscar Solorzano, International Centre for Asset Recovery, Basel Institute on Governance, Lima