Panagiotis Kyriakou



Practice areas

  • International arbitration
  • International trade law
  • Sports law
  • International financial law

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Dr. Panagiotis Kyriakou specializes in international arbitration, trade, finance and sports law.

Panagiotis has advised private clients, governments and local counsel on arbitral proceedings under the ICC, ICSID, UNCITRAL and Swiss Rules. He has also provided legal and policy advice in relation to international trade matters, including WTO dispute settlement proceedings, subsidies/state aid and regional integration norms. Moreover, Panagiotis has experience in CAS proceedings and disciplinary disputes before sports governing bodies, as well as matters pertaining to the annulment, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.

Prior to joining Archipel, Panagiotis was a Teaching Assistant at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, while advising governments and private clients as an independent legal consultant. Moreover, he interned with White & Case and Lalive in Geneva, as well as Derains & Gharavi in Paris and Dryllerakis & Associates in Athens, in addition to having reviewed submissions for the Journal of International Economic Law.

Panagiotis obtained his PhD from the Graduate Institute under the supervision of Prof. Joost Pauwelyn, focusing on the international regime complex for financial crisis response. He obtained his LL.B. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and his LL.M. from MIDS. He regularly publishes and delivers lectures on international investment, trade, sports and financial law.

Recent projects

Represented a European construction company in an ICC arbitration

Represented a European engineering company in a multi-party ICC arbitration

Represented a football federation in three sets of CAS proceedings

Represented a football federation in proceedings before FIFA’s judicial bodies

Represented a tennis player in proceedings under the TACP

Represented a company in an IP dispute under the Swiss Rules

Evaluated potential BIT claims against states in Central America and the Balkans

Advised a client in relation to contractual matters pertaining to the establishment of an NFT marketplace

Advised a client in relation to the negotiation of an SPA

Advised a client in relation to sanctions affecting art products

Represented a Middle Eastern government in an ICC construction arbitration

Advised an investor in relation to an ICSID oil & gas arbitration against a Eurasian state

Assisted with the conduct of disciplinary investigations/proceedings before a sports governing body

Assisted an independent panel in producing a report on integrity-related issues for a sports governing body

Represented a Third Participant in oral hearings before the WTO Appellate Body

Advised local counsel in relation to an AD/CVD case before a WTO Panel

Advised local counsel in relation to a trade dispute before the Caribbean Court of Justice

Advised the World Bank on existing international norms governing subsidies/state aid, as well as future policy options


“CAS 2019/A/6148, World Anti-Doping Agency v. Sun Yang & Fédération Internationale de Natation, Award of 28 February 2020” (with G. Palermo) in A. Duval and A. Rigozzi (eds.), Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2018-2020 (Asser, 2023)

“The Credit Suisse Crisis and International Law: Time to Embrace Regime Complexity?”, EJIL: Talk! (2023)

“Greece’s New Law on International Commercial Arbitration”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (2023)

“SFT Decision of 1/11/2022, 4A_246/2022”, 1 Athlitismos & Dikaio (2023) (in Greek)

“Has the SFT Toughened the Duty of Curiosity while Softening the Duty of Disclosure?” (with F. M. Pavía), Kluwer Arbitration Blog (2022)

“The Revision of Arbitral Awards on Independence and Impartiality-Related Grounds: Delimiting the Parties’ ‘Duty of Curiosity’ in the Age of Social Media” (with C. Thommen), Kluwer Arbitration Blog (2021)

“72. DS – 135: European Communities – Measures Affecting Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos” in Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law – Volume X: Trade and Environmental Law (Elgar, 2021)

“Swiss Federal Tribunal, Case 4A_318/2020, Judgment of 22 December 2020” (with G. Palermo), 41 Revista del Club Español del Arbitraje (2021)

“Leveraging the Standard of Ex Aequo et Bono to Increase Diversity, Flexibility and Efficiency: Insights from the Basketball Arbitral Tribunal” (with G. Palermo), 38(4) ASA Bulletin (2020)

“Use of Non-WTO International Law in WTO Dispute Settlement” (with J. Bohanes) in M. T. Molina-Tejeda (ed.), Practical Aspects of WTO Litigation (Kluwer, 2020)

Note on “Indirect Claims”, Wiki Notes on International Investment Law and Arbitration (Jus Mundi, 2020)

“Cryptocurrency scam, theft and other misadventures: what prospects for international governance?”, EJIL: Talk! (2020)

“Revisiting the Dispute Threshold in International Interpretation Proceedings: Deeds, Not Words” (with A. Cottin), 10 Journal of International Dispute Settlement (2019)

“Mitigating the Risks Entailed in Shareholders’ Claims for Reflective Loss: Suggestions for Investment Treaty Reform”, 19 Journal of World Investment and Trade (2018)

“Overview of WTO Jurisprudence in 2016” (with J. Bohanes et al.) in M. Krajewski et al. (eds.), Yearbook of International Economic Law 2018 (Springer, 2018)

“An analysis of the Compensation Regime Applicable to Claims Arising from Armed Conflicts Affecting Investments in the Middle East” (with N. Radjai & L. Halonen), 4 BCDR International Arbitration Review (2017)

“Does the TTIP Investment Court System Promote the Rule of Law Further than the Traditional ISDS Model?”, Cambridge International Law Journal (2016)

“Lis Pendens in International Commercial Arbitration”, 20 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (2016)

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