92, rue Jouffroy d’Abbans
75017 Paris – France

T +33 (0)1 40 54 51 00

Paris is the birthplace of Archipel, a world city and a gateway to Europe and vast parts of Africa.

From its Haussmann-style offices of the right bank, Archipel serves domestic and international clients. The firm’s French law practice includes corporate advice and litigation. Archipel combines international standards with a thorough knowledge of the French market.

Worldwide, Archipel has developed an extensive network of local correspondents, especially in the Middle East and Africa.


Ruelle du Couchant 11
1207 Geneva – Switzerland

T +41 (0)22 555 82 20

Geneva is a hub of international trading, the home of numerous international organisations and a long-established stronghold of international arbitration. The city also has close historical ties to the Middle East.

From its Geneva office, Archipel provides its clients with arbitration services and international business law advice.

Through its network of participating firms throughout Switzerland, Archipel can also advise international clients willing to make Switzerland their European hub.

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